Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Wearing out the universe

It is said that there comes a point of no return if nuclear reactions run amok. It is claimed that it is indisuptable that our solar system was formed through several explosions eons ago. I am Tjernobyl for you, and my path cannot be travelled backwards. I tried the steel brush to get you off my skin, but it only left me aching and soar. You won't fade – the only thing you succumb to is to enrich in my flesh (without me even noticing). I've lost my sight, because the sun has turned my eyes into a wall of dark bricks.

”Why are you wearing dark sunglasses?”
”To keep the darkness inside.”
”Why are your nails painted black?”
”To prevent the light from entering.”
”Why do you sit in the gloomy room all alone?”
”I am not alone. I am transcending.”

It is said that we can never fully understand the universe, that there are forces and matter that exist beyond the spectrum of intelligibility, beyond accountability.


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